Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Starting Out

Hello internet, this is my first post!

I hope it will be one of many but we will have to wait and see. I have been thinking about starting this blog for quite a while now and although I have always had plenty to say, there has been something blocking me from writing it down and actually posting it. Maybe its the human in me fearing rejection or ridicule even, I don't know? Anyway I'll see how I go. I'll see where it takes me. I haven't paid for this, I owe nothing for it and I don't really have to write it, so what should stop me?

I find writing quite therapeutic, when I was a teenager I wrote constantly, filling notebooks from cover to cover with whatever I was feeling. It was all complete nonsense I realise now, but at the time it made me feel like I was actually doing something with all the fuzzy stuff that was spinning round in my mind. I wish I had the time to sit and write like that now but life starts getting even more complicated as you get older, I thought it was complicated enough being a teenager! But even with the complications that adult life brings I would still rather be the adult I am now than the teenager I used to be. Although you have work to go to and bills to pay you have more years behind you as an adult to cope with the crap that life continues to chuck at you, than when you are in your teens and dealing with raging hormones, peer pressure, body image etc.

Its a cliche but if I knew then what I know now I would have had a far better time. Life is still hard but the things that bothered me then seem to be dampened down to almost nothing now and I hope that will continue through life. I even feel more comfortable with who I am now in the last year, of my twenties than I did in the first, even though now I probably have more to deal with. I feel like the years I have already lived have been preparing me for the years I have to come.

Well I hope so anyway!

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